ÚVN Thomayerova Nemocnice

Online reservation system for plasma and blood donations

With more than 50,000 unique customers, our platform for plasma and blood donations is a leading online reservation solution for major hospitals and privately-run health care institutions in the Czech Republic.

Our platform automates repetitive activities, reduces the need for offline interactions, and saves valuable time for health care staff. We are constantly developing new and improved services and features, and our team can build powerful custom configurations that fit every operation.


Moving from manual deployments to continuous software delivery in an international business environment

OpenShift platform intoduction helped Fortuna with faster SW deployments and quick introduction of development environments on one click. The main outcomes are:

Release deployment timing strongly decreased - from weeks to days.

Common CI/CD pipeline for all countries where Fortuna is present (CZ, SK, PL, RO, CR) ease SW development process.

QNTM supported Fortuna with apps introduction into containerization platform, cooperation on framework POC CI/CD creation, and consulting on app management - mainly on monitoring, maintenance, and alerting.


Moving from the waterfall model to continuous software delivery - agile transformation with a global telcomms giant.

Agile transformations of 3 T-Mobile software development teams, helping them implement Scrum framework. Our consultant was directly responsible for change management, supporting technology transformation, and leading a change of team mindset around T-Mobile’s new framework.

The new agile delivery process was introduced incrementally - from the SW development toolset to DevOps, through the automation of IT processes. The updated operational enabled introduction of microservices as a replacement of layered monolithic architecture.

The results speak for themselves:

Improved Acceptance reliability - 95% of User Stories accepted by PO. Previously, just 45% were accepted.

Stronger Commitment reliability - 80% of committed User Stories delivered vs previous rate of 50%.

Release deployment time decreased from 2 months to 2 weeks.


​Leased resources for Fusion transformation program

We provided an expert team of various consultants for a high-visibility project to the Penta investment group.

QNTM supported Fortuna across many roles, including software testing, for a major overhaul of the Fortuna platform - transforming it into a single codebase operating on microservices for every country in which they operate.


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